Welding Technology and Effect

Welding processes offer diversified choices such as tungsten inert gas arc welding, gas shielded welding, submerged arc welding, plasma welding, deep penetration welding, etc., to meet different operating conditions. We have welding experience in various materials, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, super duplex stainless steel, low-temperature steel, heat-resistant steel, aluminum, aluminum magnesium alloy, nickel alloy, titanium alloy, etc.

Welding Effect

TIG root pass/pipe welding

full TIG welding

full TIG welding on nickel based pipe

GMAW cap

GMAW cap/ corner seam

SAW fill

SAW capping

header and stub welding by SAW

header and stub welding by SAW

pressure vessel welding by SAW

tube to tube plate welding

stud welding
